Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Fanfic Rec Wednesday – The Perfect Gift

Today’s rec is another one via my friend Kristin (@Kdub_s). 

Title: The Perfect Gift

Why is it good?: I'm a little bias when it comes to this writer. She is a dear friend of mine and a fellow fich00r. And she also picked a fantastic beta. The story is about Christmas being a time for love, joy and happiness. But when love just isn't enough, is there anything that can make things right? There are parts that my heart was breaking for Bella and parts I had happy tears in my eyes. I love the uncertainty of the story. Is Edward going to be able to fix it or is Paul going to wiggle his way back in her life and bed? It's a must read!


I feel as though it would be a conflict of interest for me to comment on this one. Lol. Take Kristin’s word for it and check it out.
Thanks for the rec, K-Dubs!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Fanfic Rec Wednesday – Deviant

This week, I’m recommending that you read Deviant by planetblue (@planetbluefic). Find it here on
It’s on the shorter side of medium-length – 23 chapters, just over 83,000 words.

It completed a little more than a year ago and I read it back then. It seemed EVERYONE did. I remember that I had really liked it and was left with the impression of “hot dayum” – but before I could recommend it, I felt I needed a refresher, so I just reread it in the last two days. It’s just as great the second time around.

In Twilight fan fiction, we have “types” that come up a lot. Edward is usually characterized by an identifiable trait. He is usually one thing or another – our “~wards”. What I like about Deviant is that he is several at once. Tattward, Bikerward, Doctorward. Yum! Sometimes you CAN have it all. (For the uninitiated, ‘trait/profession/feature’ + -ward = Edward as… whatever. ie. Tattward = Tattooed Edward)

The angst is at a minimum. It's presence in the story serves momentum rather than to purposely f*&k your feels. Although, as you may be aware, I’m not against a good emotions f*&king, this story’s appeal for me is all about the smut.

I also really appreciate that Deviant is well-written. I find that usually banter comes across as cheesy but in this case, it is done well so that it fuels the mounting sexual tension (of which there is a lot of!), yet is still funny. This Edward, or “Manchu” as he is nicknamed for his handlebar biker ‘stache, is a dirty talking pro.

Plus, he bites a lot. I like a biter.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

fic recs

you may or may not have seen me hardcore pimping myself out on twitter every wednesday. i've been writing fanfiction recommendations for my friend's blog network as a weekly column. it's been a lot of fun and something that keeps my unemployed ass doing something on a regular basis. (granted, i enlist my friends to do my work for me at least every other week. but even then, i put quite a bit of effort into those posts too.) 
anyway~ since i never have much to post on my OWN blog, i thought i would create a "master list" of my posts over there for here and add to it as i go. so if you ARE interested in reading what i (and my friends) think of particular stories, it's all in one place.
before i started the weekly column, i also randomly wrote articles on various fanfiction related topics which i'll add at the bottom of the list. 

UPDATE: i wasn't able to keep up with the commitment of doing weekly posts so, summer rose was my last rec for jenn's blog. i've since posted them all here on my own blog too, for safe keeping.

july 2 summer rose
june 25 the practicum - guest rec'd by angie
june 11 que sera sera - guest rec'd by dee
june 4 the consequence of miracles
may 28 the perfect gift - guest rec'd by kristin
may 21 deviant
may 14 the keepsake - guest rec'd by jodi 
may 7 chop and change - guest rec'd by brina
april 30 the blessing and the curse
april 23 tides of fate - guest rec'd by miranda
april 16 awkwardly yours
april 9 help wanted - guest rec'd by jodi
april 2 the debt
march 26 love in my box - guest rec'd by kristin
march 19 wisp
march 12 words with friends/words with strangers - guest rec'd by brina
march 5 my top 5

march 13 next up - to be read
november 30 adventures is beta-ing
november 9 haters gon' hate
novemeber 2 fic peeves and hard limits
october 26 fanfiction: it's "forever."

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Fanfic Rec Wednesday – The Keepsake

I haven’t been feeling to great the past few days and haven’t been able to write up anything to post on time so, as usual, I rely on my friends. Hopefully I’ll be all caught up on my reading next week in order to be back with a rec of my own.

Today’s rec is another one from my lovely friend, Jodi (@joderss). She’s the best, especially because she knew I was in a bind this week and just whipped this out for me. 

Title: The Keepsake

Why is it good?:
I love stories that give me a good Edward.  Someone who is strong, solid and who loves without all the insecurities that Original Edward had in Twilight.  For me reading fan fiction is a chance to spend more time with one of my favorite literary characters, Edward Cullen.  It’s what keeps me coming back to fic time and time again.  I thought I had seen all the Edwards there were to be seen: Doucheward, Mobward, Doctorward, Tatward, there are so many incarnations of our favorite guy. 

I started reading The Keepsake by Windchymes not having heard anything about it.  It was on my long, long list of bookmarks and it was the next in line.  The Keepsake takes place two years after Edward leaves Bella in the woods at the beginning of New Moon.  Bella is a college student in Seattle and has learned to live without Edward.  I won’t say that she has forgotten him, but she has learned to live her life without him.

To tell you what happens next would be to give away a major part of the plot.  Suffice it to say that circumstances bring Bella and Edward together once again.  The best thing about The Keepsake is that it truly is an original take on the story of Edward and Bella.  It also has one of the best, well-rounded Edwards I have ever read.  This is an Edward that is not mired in self-loathing, not controlling and not overprotective.  It is impossible to not fall in love with him.  He is mature and really a true partner for Bella.  Also, Edward is funny!  Usually a character trait reserved for Emmett, but in this story Edward gets to have some fun too.  Oftentimes when Edward is written so well in a fic, Bella is a hot mess.  Not the case for The Keepsake’s Bella.  Bella is strong, controlled and most of all, loving.  She has grown up since Edward left her and it’s that growth that allows her to be there when Edward needs her.

The Keepsake has all the elements of a great fic.  There is love, betrayal, angst and forgiveness.  If you haven’t read it, bookmark it and read it soon.  It’s that good. 


This is what I love about readers – we all are so varied in our tastes. Everything that Jodi pointed out as characteristics she finds less than desirable in various other Edwards are the very same that draw me to him. And yet, even those this particular version of Edward is not those things, what she has said about The Keepsake makes me wanna drop everything and run to read it. It was just recently completed so I think I may just do exactly that. It’s only 20 chapters and just over 165,000 words so I feel confident I can add that to my current reading pile. It sounds great! And don’t get me wrong – I’m all for mature and funny!

Thanks so much for the rec, Jodi ~ and thank you once again for coming to my rescue!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Fanfic Rec Wednesday – Chop and Change

Today, I am pleased to give you another rec by my bestie, PurpleBrina (@PurpleBrina17).
Again, if you’re not reading her Music Monday and/or Throwback Thursday posts on the Fandemonium Network… why the hell not? They are awesome! Brina not only knows good fic, she REALY knows great music.

Title: Chop and Change

Why is it good?: I might be a little biased when it comes to this fic writer but I do love this story. E&B are batshit crazy and I love every word of all the crazy shit they do. Think Bonnie and Clyde but with tattoos, piercings and knives. Lol. Though Krazyk is draggin’ ass to finish the sequel ‘cause she is busy working (booooooo), Chop and Change is up and complete. So go forth and read this one.
BTW, the lemon on the purple Lambo… nothing to do with me. ......Okay, maybe a little bit.


Sidenote: Brina is Krazyk’s pre-reader for most of her fics, including Chop and Change and the WIP sequel, Chopping and Changing.

I have read this one, and am reading the sequel, and I agree. It’s crazy and awesome. Sort of like the author… ;) (Can’t wait to meet you in person, K!)
Oh, and hot. Yes. Mmmmmm. Love me some chopward.